GPAI 2023: Presentation of the results of the Working Group on Data Governance

Dr. Maja Bogataj Jančič, LL.M., LL.M., kot so-predsedujoča delovne skupine na GPAI Summitu 2023, predstavlja rezultate Delovne skupine za upravljanje s podatki (DG WG) in sodeluje na številnih spremljevalnih dogodkih GPAI Summita, vključno s panelom o umetni inteligenci in intelektualni lastnini.

The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) is currently hosting its annual summit in New Delhi from 12-14 December 2023. Hosted by India as the GPAI Council Chair, the event brings together AI experts, international organisations and other relevant stakeholders from more than 28 countries and the European Union.

The Summit includes a wide range of activities highlighting advances in AI, from panel discussions to lectures and workshops. Key events include the presentation of the results of the Data Governance Working Group (DG WG) projects, co-chaired by Dr Maja Bogataj Jančič LL.M., LL.M., and Jeni Tennison, Ph.D., OBE. Dr Maja Bogataj Jančič also participates in a number of events of the GPAI Summit, including a panel on Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property.

The WG DG focuses on providing expertise on data governance and promotes the collection, use, sharing, archiving and deletion of AI data in ways that are consistent with human rights, inclusion, diversity, innovation, economic growth and societal benefits. The Working Group is working to align these efforts with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, reflecting its commitment to creating a more responsible and ethical future for AI.