Recordings and PPTs of Presentations by Speakers

Welcome speeches

Dejan Dvoršek, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission

Tomaž Boh, Director General, Science and Innovation Directorate, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia

Sergej Možina, advisor for research, Permanent Representation to the European Union Brussels

Stephen Wyber, Director of Policy and Advocacy, IFLA, KR21 Management Committee

Open Science in Slovenia

Ana Fidler, CTK UL Ljubljana, holder of the ERA Policy Agenda Action 2

Presentation of the KR21 study Barriers and Incentives for Open Science in the Copyright Law

Maja Bogataj Jančič, ODIPI, National and Regional Coordinator KR21 (“Barriers and Incentives in Slovenian Copyright Law”)

Deborah De Angelis, National Coordinator KR21 (“Barriers and Incentives in Italian Copyright Law”)

Tihomir Katulić, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb (“Barriers and Incentives in Croatian Copyright Law”)

Presentation of the KR21 programme

Stephen Wyber, Director of Policy and Advocacy, IFLA, KR21 Management Committee

Presentation of KR21 reports and position papers

Iva Melinščak Zlodi, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, SPARC Europe

Ana Lazarova, Faculty of Philosophy, European Studies, Sofia University, National Coordinator KR21

Konrad Gliściński, Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University, researcher, Centrum Cyfrowe

Giannis Tsakonas, Director of the Library & Information Center, University of Patras, Vice President of LIBER, KR21 Management Committee

Presentation of the work of KR21 National Coordinators – Round table discussion

Eric Luth, Project Manager, Wikimedia Sverige, National Coordinator KR21

Ana Lazarova, Faculty of Philosophy, European Studies, Sofia University, National Coordinator KR21

Maja Bogataj Jančič, ODIPI, National and Regional Coordinator KR21

Stephen Wyber, Director of Policy and Advocacy, IFLA, KR21 Management Committee – moderator

Knowledge for a Stronger Europe: Does Europe need special regulation for research and education?

Caterina Sganga, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (presentation of the comprehensive EU study “Improving Access to and Reuse of Research Results, Publications and Data for Scientific Purposes”)

Dejan Dvoršek, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission, TBC

Stephen Wyber, Director of Policy and Advocacy, IFLA, KR21 Management Committee

Justus Dreyling, Policy Director, Communia
