“An EU copyright & data legislative framework fit for research: barriers, challenges and potential measures to address them”

A workshop on proposing a research-appropriate EU legislative and regulatory framework on copyright and data was organised in Brussels on February 23 and 24, 2023 in the scope of Action 2 of the European Research Area (ERA). Dr Maja Bogataj Jančič attended the workshop as the Slovenian representative for Action 2 in the ERA group. She presented the Slovenian data and text mining exemption, which is among the most advanced in Europe, and pointed out the many copyright obstacles in Slovenian legislation.


The workshop focused on the implementation of the priority actions under the new policy agenda for the European Research Area 2022-2024 and part of the June 2022 Council conclusions on the implementation of open science.

The priority action aims to:
– identify barriers and challenges to access to and re-use of publicly funded research and innovation results, publications and data for scientific purposes and identify potential impacts on research, by analysing relevant provisions under EU copyright and data legislation and related regulatory frameworks, as well as relevant institutional and national initiatives; and
– propose legislative and non-legislative measures to improve the current EU legislative and regulatory frameworks in the area of copyright and data.

ODIPI is addressing the topic of data and text mining in more detail in the framework of the Knowledge Rights 21 research network.