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The Saturday supplement of Dela publishes an interview with Dr Maja Bogataj Jančič, who talks about the challenges of regulation, the risks and benefits of new technology, and humanity’s need for a new social compact.


The new report of the Knowledge Rights 21 project partner SPARC Europe is now available.


ChatGPT poses difficult questions in the field of authorship as well as in the field of ethics in science (and also in other fields where independent work is required).


The Slovenian Copyright and Related Rights Act was amended in September. The adoption process was intensely problematic and resulted in numerous solutions at the expense of researchers and educators, while also being contrary to the national open science strategy. The issue was considered in detail by Maja Bogataj Jančič and Sandra Koren in an open access article in Sobotna priloga, Delo.

The positive changes in the amendment are due to the persistence of researchers that were supported by the Minister of digital transformation, dr. Emilija Stojmenova Duh. This resulted in the adoption of a progressive TDM exception.